In this article, you will learn: VM Preparation Make changes to the virtual machine parameters in the OpenNebula SunStone interface. First, select the virtual machine by following these steps: Before changing the parameters, make sure the machine is in the POWEROFF state: Change CPU or RAM You can increase and decrease both CPU and RAM ..
Category : WEDOS Cloud
In this article, you will learn: Virtual Machine Templates Templates are used to quickly create several VPS with identical configuration and content. Using templates, you can configure one server and create new servers based on its current state at the time of template creation. Create New Template Follow these steps to create a virtual server ..
In this article, you will learn how scheduled actions work and how to se..
Information about WEDOS Cloud. renewal, expiration, manual renewal, service can..
Setting the public SSH key for access to the VM virt..
In this article, you will learn how to set the display mode, language, two-factor authentication, and public SSH key in WEDOS Cloud’s ON Nebula SunStone ..