Emails – Basic Setup


This article contains basic information on WEDOS email service setup. You can find detailed instructions on creating, deleting and managing individual mailboxes in the article Emails – Mailbox Management.

In this article, you will learn:

Email Domain Setup

To send and receive emails properly, first set up the correct MX and TXT (SPF) DNS records. You can find more information about DNS record settings in the article DNS – Domain Records.

WEDOS Basic DNS SPF and MX records for Webhosting
Basic DNS SPF and MX records for Webhosting

MX Records

MX records direct incoming mail to mail servers that process it. Webhosting, WebSite and Mailhosting services use different MX records – determine and set these records according to the instructions in the article DNS – MX Records.

If you want to direct MX records to the mail hosting service automatically, follow the instructions Domains – Direct DNS to Service. This only works if the domain uses WEDOS DNS.

SPF Record

A properly set SPF record confirms that the email was sent from a server that the domain trusts. Some email service providers (Google, Hotmail, …) classify emails from domains without an SPF record as SPAM or reject them outright.

You can find detailed instructions on setting up the SPF record in the article Emails – SPF Record.

Server Addresses, Ports, Security

The addresses of the mail POP, IMAP and SMTP servers for your service can be found in the creation notification email or in the customer administration panel. You can find a detailed procedure in the article Emails – SMTP, POP3, IMAP.

Email Clients

You can log into email using your browser via the WebMail interface, or you can use any other email client.

We offer these community tutorials for email client setup:

If the addresses, ports and security mentioned in the instructions do not work, check whether your anti-virus software or firewall is blocking the connection.

Other client settings are generally similar. In case the settings do not work, contact the client support or ask a question in the community forum.

Common Issues

The most common issues with basic email setup include:

Email Client Doesn’t Work

Issue: Email client settings cause errors.

Solution: Make sure that:

  • you are logging in with your full e-mail address (in the form mailbox@domain.tld) and that there are no typos in the name;
  • you are using the current password which logs into WebMail;
  • you specified a functional combination of servers, ports and security;
  • the functionality of the mail client is not limited by the Internet connection, operating system, antivirus software or firewall.

We aren’t receiving emails

Issue: No emails arrive at all, or only a few arrive with no apparent pattern.

Cause: DNS MX records have the most fundamental influence on the service’s ability to receive mail. If they are not listed correctly, the mail will not arrive.

Solution: Make sure you are using only one provider’s MX records. If the MX records direct only to WEDOS, verify that the addresses from which mail does not go are not blacklisted.


Question: How do I set up an email client that is not listed?
Answer: The settings are mostly similar, use the information provided in this link or another tutorial.

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