Administration – Service Behavior Upon Expiration

  Customer Administration

This article addresses the global setting of service behavior upon expiration. If you want to extend the service, follow the article Services – Renewal. If you are looking for details about the expiration of services, read the article Services – Expiration.

By default, the service behavior upon expiration sends payment prompts in advance to reduce the risk of service outages in case of complications with billing documents or payment.

In this article, you will learn:

Service Expiration Settings

In the customer administration panel, you can globally set how services will behave upon expiration. The specific time depends on the type and billing period of the service:

  • 14 days for services with monthly billing
  • 21 days for hosting services
  • 30 days for domains

The setting does not apply to terminated services.

To set up services globally, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the customer administration panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, click My Account Customer.
  3. In the menu on the left, select Nastavení expirace služeb.
WEDOS Service expiration settings
Service expiration settings

In the Service expiration settings table, you can mark the behavior for each service category:

  • Payment Request with Notifications is the default setting. The system sends a payment request 14 to 30 days before expiration (depending on the type of service and its billing period). If the service is not paid for 5 to 8 days before expiration, it will send another notification.
  • Payment Request, no Notifications only sends a payment request 14 to 30 days before expiration (depending on the type of service and its billing period). It does not send any further notifications.
  • Notification Only does not issue a new payment request. 5 to 8 days before the expiration it sends a message about the approaching service expiration.
  • Renew Automatically requires the credit account. 10 days before expiration, the system will attempt to pay for the service using credit. This renewal is non-refundable. If there is not enough credit on the account, it will send a message about this to the credit account’s billing email. You can find more information in the article Services – Renewal.
  • Do Nothing does not attempt to extend the service in any way, nor does it send notifications about its expiration. The owner of expiring domains can still be contacted by the registry or a related authority.

You can also enable or disable these settings:

  • PUSH Notifications, i.e. sending short messages to a browser or mobile device. You can find more information in the PUSH Notifications chapter.
  • Recommended Add-ons – Automatic Activation is a setting that automatically activates selected service add-ons when extended. You can deactivate them again according to the instructions for managing add-on services.

If you want to specify a given setting for all services, select it in the Select All table.

When the settings are complete, save them with the Change Settings button.

PUSH Notifications

Web PUSH notifications are short messages that a web application sends to a browser or mobile device. You can also get messages about upcoming service expiration sent via this communication channel.

You can find more information and instructions for turning on PUSH notifications in the browser in the article Administration – PUSH Notifications.


Question: How exactly does automatic service renewal work?
Answer: Automatic renewal of services uses the credit account, from which services that have automatic renewal enabled take credit. If the service cannot be renewed automatically, you must renew it manually (but the payment request can be paid from the credit account again). Detailed information can be found in the article Services – Renewal.

Question: Why are you sending payment requests a month before the due date?
Answer: If the system does not correctly match the corresponding payment with the service in time, it considers this service expired and turns it off. To avoid an outage, we send a payment request fairly far in advance to cover things like lost or unread emails, payment issues, and other complications.

Question: We want to extend the service, but the invoices go to the wrong person or contain outdated information. How do we change that?
Answer: Follow the instructions for changing billing information. We also recommend checking the domain owner or hosting operator.

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