Services – Move Between Accounts


This guide only deals with moving the service from one customer account to another. If you want to hand the service over completely, including billing and changing the owner or operator, follow the instructions Services – New Owner Handover.

In this article, you will learn:

Important Information

Moving the service to another customer account is (on your part) irreversible. As soon as you move the service, you lose access to it and therefore authorization. If you forget to set anything for the service, all other adjustments can only be made by the customer to whose account you moved the service.

Also keep in mind, that:

  • Changing the customer account has no effect on the operation of this service. Hosting service data and access credentials remain the same.
  • Moving a domain also moves its DNS records, but does not move other services with that domain name (Webhosting, WebSite, …).
  • Moving the service doesn’t change the domain owner or service operator.
  • The billing information remains the same after the move. If a payment request exists for the service before the move, it remains in the original customer account. To create a new request, the customer to whom you transfer the service must update their billing information according to these instructions. Changing billing information cancels the original payment request. The system immediately issues a new one and sends it to the customer’s updated email address.

Change Customer Account

Before moving the service, make sure you are transferring it with the correct settings. The most common problem is outdated billing information.

Next, find out the login email and customer ID of the user to whose account you are moving the service. The ID is displayed in the administration header in brackets next to the name.

WEDOS Customer ID in the administration panel header
Customer ID in the administration panel header

To transfer any WEDOS service to another customer account, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the customer adminitration panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, select the type of service you want to move.
  3. Select the service to move.
  4. In the left menu, select Change Customer Account.
  5. Enter the login (email) and ID of the customer you want to move the service to.
  6. Click the Change button.

Move (a):

WEDOS Sample move of the domain to another customer account
Sample move of the domain to another customer account

The transfer of service will take place immediately. If you want to return the service to your account, ask the other customer to move the service back to you in the same way.

Service transfer cannot be claimed in any way.

Bulk Move

If you are moving several services of the same type (Webhosting, domains, …), you can use the bulk move.

First, find out the login email and ID of the customer to whose account you are moving the services, in the same way as in the Change Customer Account chapter.

Then follow these steps:

  1. Log into the customer administration panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, select the type of service you want to move.
  3. Check the services you want to move.
  4. Under the service list, select Move to Another Customer Account.
  5. Click the Perform button.
WEDOS Sample bulk move of domains to another customer account
Sample bulk move of domains to another customer account

On the next page, enter the ID and login email of the customer whose account you are moving the domains to and click the Continue button.

On the last page, check all the information and confirm the move by clicking the Finish button.

Common Issues

Common issues with moving services between accounts include:

Account Already Set

Issue: An error message shows up: Account [number] already set for this service.

Cause: You are entering your own account information instead of another customer’s account.

Solution: Enter the details of the customer to whom you are moving the service in the ID and login.

Incorrect Billing Information

Issue: Incorrect billing information is displayed for the service.

Cause: Moving services between accounts has no effect on billing information.

Solution: Change the service billing information according to this guide.


Question: Are there other methods of moving services between accounts?
Answer: Yes, you can move the domain to your own account also using athe AUTH-ID. Instructions can be found in the article Domains – Move Accounts with AUTH-ID. You cannot move other services in any other way. If you need to gain control over services whose administrator is not cooperating, read Services – Move from Third-Party Account.

Question: I moved the service to another customer, but I still get payment requests, what should I do?
Answer: Ask the customer to whom you transferred the service to change the billing information according to these instructions.

Question: I want to hand over the service but at the same time keep access to it so I can manage it for the customer. How do I do that?
Answer: Have the customer to whom you transfer the service set you up as an authorized user of the service according to these instructions.

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