Administration – Authorized Users

  Customer Administration

With minor exceptions, an authorized user can manage your services as if they were in their customer account. WEDOS disclaims responsibility for any damages caused by the actions of the authorized user.

In this article, you will learn:

Authorized User

An authorized user can manage another user’s services as if they were in his customer account. For example, you can make your administrator an authorized user without giving them your login information.

Before setting permissions, make sure you can trust the authorized user. Their authority over your services will be comparable to yours.

You can grant authorized user access to any service, as well as invoicing and managing your credit account.

Add an Authorized User

Any person with a WEDOS customer account can be an authorized user. You can create and manage a customer account free of charge.

First, find out the ID and login of the person you want to add as an authorized user. They can find the data in their customer administration panel by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the customer admin panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, select My Account Customer.
  3. Note the User ID and Email (login).
WEDOS Customer ID and login email in the admin panel
Customer ID and login email in the admin panel

To add this person as an authorized user for your services, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your customer admin panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, select My Account Customer.
  3. In the left menu, select Authorized Users.
  4. Click the Add Authorized User button.
  5. Enter the authorized user’s Customer Account ID and Email (login)
  6. Click the Perform button.
Adding a new authorized user
Adding a new authorized user

Adding an authorized user does not grant that person any service management permissions.

Grant or Remove Service Permissions

After adding an authorized user, you automatically proceed with setting their permissions. If you have just added an authorized user, continue with the Assign Services subsection.

If you need to add or remove service permissions from an existing user, please enter the Authorized User Settings interface by following these steps:

  1. Log into the customer administration panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, select My Account Customer.
  3. In the left menu, select Authorized Users.
  4. Click the magnifying glass icon next to the user’s entry.
WEDOS Edit permissions of an existing authorized user
Edit permissions of an existing authorized user

Assign Services

Assign services to the authorized user in the Authorized User Settings interface. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the service Group you want to assign.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. In the new Set Permissions for Group … table, check the specific services you want to assign to the user.
  4. Select whether you want to automatically assign new services in this category to the user. By default, automatic assignment is disabled.
  5. Click Save Permissions.
WEDOS Assign service permissions to an authorized customer
Assign service permissions to an authorized customer

Remove Services

You can remove either an individual service or a whole group. To remove the entire account, go to Block or Remove Authorized User.

To remove an individual service, follow these steps:

  1. In the Assigned Permissions table, click the magnifying glass icon next to the selected service group.
  2. Uncheck the services you want to remove.
  3. Click the Save Permissions button.
WEDOS Remove service permissions from an authorized user
Remove service permissions from an authorized user

To remove the entire service group, click the cross icon next to the group name in the Assigned Permissions table.

Block or Delete Authorized User

You can block (disable) an authorized user, i.e. temporarily prevent their access to your services. You can cancel the blocking at any time and enable the user’s access.

Alternatively, you can delete the authorized user entirely. If you want to add the same user again, you will need to add them again.

Follow these steps to block or delete an authorized user:

  1. Log into your customer administration panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, select My Account Customer.
  3. In the left menu, select Authorized Users.
  4. Click the magnifying glass icon next to the user’s entry.
  5. Click the disable or delete button.
WEDOS Authorized user Disable and Delete buttons
Authorized user Disable and Delete buttons

Authorized User Service Management

The authorized user displays the assigned services in their own administration. The overview is under the list of their own services.

WEDOS Authorized Access Service List in the customer administration panel
Authorized Access Service List in the customer administration panel

Assigned service management is identical to your own services.

Common issues

Common problems with setting up authorized users include:

Assigned Services Missing

Issue: The authorized user does not see the assigned services in their account.

Cause: It is not enough to assign only a service group (domains, webhosting, etc.) to an authorized user, but also individual services.

Solution: Make sure that you have assigned the selected (or all) services to the user according to the Assign Services chapter.

Domain User Missing DNS Access

Issue: The user has access to the domain, but cannot edit DNS.

Cause: Domain and DNS are separate service groups.

Solution: Make both the domain and DNS available to the authorized user.

Incorrect Customer ID

Issue: There is an error: The customer account ID must not be the same as your customer account ID.

Cause: You are probably entering your customer account ID by mistake instead of the new admin’s account.

Solution: Find out and enter the login and ID of the foreign account to which you want to make the services available, according to the chapter Add an Authorized User.

Authorized User Doesn’t Have a WEDOS Account

Issue: My admin doesn’t have a WEDOS account.

Solution: Create an account for your admin. The account and service management are free. If the administrator does not want to use their own email address, they can create a new mailbox specifically for the purpose of managing WEDOS services.


Question: The authorized user settings aren’t working properly, what should I do?
Answer: If your problem does not have a solution in the Common Issues chapter, tell us about it by asking a question on the Help forum.

Question: My customers run websites on my Webhosting/WMS. Should I set each of them up as an authorized user?
Answer: In this case, it is better to set each customer’s own FTP access and database. Do not add these customers as authorized users unless you have a good reason to do so.

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