Each web hosting has a specified expiration date, the date of expiration which you have prepaid. If you want to continue using web hosting, it is necessary to prolong the expiration date.
If you do not want to renew service, after the expiration service going to shut down and later to its total abolition and erasing of all data(including FTP, MySQL, and e-mails)
Our system automatically 14 days before the expiration of server hosting creates a renewal order and sends a payment request to the customer by e-mail. The service is renewed after receipt of payment to our account (or after a successful online payment).
This behavior before expiration can be modified, see. Setting the expiration and renewal of the service.
Webhosting is possible to pay yearly only, it can not be renewed for the month, quarter or semester.
If you are no longer interested in web hosting and want to cancel a renewal order (let the service expire), read the procedure in the article Termination of hosting services.
Manual renewal of webhosting
The service can be manually extended at any time in the customer administration in detail of the specific service in the left menu use link Renewal. It is possible to pay immediately from a credit account (if you use it and you have sufficient credit) or will be created a payment request and send it by e-mail.
Transfer between accounts and unavailable billing
After moving service with an issued payment request to another account, the existing payment request will remain in the original customer account. In this case, change your billing information for the service and a new request for payment will be issued.