Services – Terminate


This article describes the service termination procedure. If you want to cancel the entire customer account, follow the instructions in the article Admin – Delete Customer Account.

If you only want to change the Webhosting plan to a cheaper one, follow the instructions Webhosting – Change Plan. Downgrading the WMS, VPS and WebSite service plans is currently not possible.

In this article, you will learn:

Cancel New Order

Currently, you can only cancel a domain order. If you want to cancel another service order, please contact customer support via the contact form. Enter the type and name of the service.

You can cancel an order for a service that has not yet been paid for. Follow these steps:

  1. Log into the customer administration panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, select Domains.
  3. In the domains list, select a domain with the new or waiting for payment status.
  4. In the domain detail, click the Cancel Order button.
WEDOS Unpaid domain order cancellation
Unpaid domain order cancellation

Terminate Existing Service

You can terminate an existing service. This will make the following changes to the service:

  • You cancel all active payment requests to extend the service. Surcharge invoices will not be affected.
  • You unsubscribe from WEDOS service expiration emails. The relevant registry can still inform you about domain expiration.
  • For hosting services, you will reduce the time of complete deletion of the service from 30 to 7 days (for dedicated servers from 7 to 0 days) after the expiration date.

Terminating a domain doesn’t affect its grace period in any way.

Terminating services has no effect on their domain names until they are completely deleted. If you terminate a service in order to create a new one with the same name, rename it first according to the corresponding instructions for Webhosting, Mailhosting or WebSite.

To terminate the service, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the customer administration panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, select the type of service you want to terminate.
  3. Select the service to terminate from the list.
  4. In the left menu, click Terminate service.
  5. Choose the Termination type and fill in the reason.
  6. Click the Send button.


WEDOS Terminating a Webhosting service
Terminating a Webhosting service

If you want to cancel the termination process before the service is completely deleted, click the Cancel Termination button in the service detail.

WEDOS Canceling service termination
Canceling service termination

Refund Trial Service

We offer a 7-day trial period for all services except domains and dedicated servers. Another exception is the WEDOS Global service, which has its own trial period rules.

If you terminate an eligible service according to the above instructions within 7 days of its creation, you can choose the following type of termination: terminate within 7-day trial period, request refund.

After terminating a service and requesting a refund, a WEDOS employee will usually contact you via billing email within 1 working day and resolve the request with you.

Repeated Technical Issues

With all hosting services, you have the option to withdraw within 180 days from the service creation due to repeated technical problems caused or unresolved from our side. In the termination form, check the appropriate type of termination and indicate the times and nature of the technical problems in the reason. Within 1 working day, a WEDOS employee will contact you via billing email and resolve a proportional refund with you.


Question: How long does the termination take?
Answer: A hosting service generally terminates 7 days after the expiration date. Domain expiration is governed by grace period rules that are specific to that TLD and are set by the registry.

Question: I want to terminate the service now so I can start a new one with the same name. How do I proceed?
Answer: Using the termination form, ask customer support to also remove the terminated service name.

Question: I am canceling the service because I want to create a different type. I still have a relatively long period left on the original service. Can I transfer unused funds to another service?
Answer: Yes, ask us to transfer funds to another hosting service in the termination form. Make sure that the service you are transferring funds to is already created and that you indicate its type and name or number in the form. This cannot be used to renew domains.

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