This article is about creating a new customer account. If you already have one, but cannot log in, follow the article Administration – Login Troubleshooting.
In this article, you will learn:
- The requirements for setting up a customer account
- How to create a new WEDOS customer account
- Common issues
- Frequently asked questions
Customer Account Requirements
To register a new customer account, our system requires you to have:
- A functional email address, which also server as your login credential. The system also sends password recovery emails to this address.
- An SMS-capable phone number. If your email is inaccessible, we can authenticate a login change request via SMS.
Creating a customer account is free of charge.
If you want to use your account for service payments, activate a credit account.
Creating a New WEDOS Customer Account
To create a new WEDOS customer account, use the registration form.
You can register by:
- connecting an existing service, such as Facebook, Google, MojeID and LinkedIn, or
- fill in the registration form.
Shared Registration
If you have a Facebook, Google, MojeID or LinkedIn account, you can use them to register with WEDOS quickly. In the registration form, click the icon of your preferred service and continue according to their instructions.
Registration Form
You can also create a new customer account by filling in the registration form.
- Carefully fill in the required information (marked by a red asterisk) and check the mandatory consent notices.
- Complete reCaptcha.
- Click the Create Account button.
The registration form includes a password. This has to meet the following requirements:
- length of at least 8 characters and up to 50 characters
- contains at least one of the following: a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number and the following special characters list: !\”#()+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~*
- doesn’t contain the following: 12345, aaaaa, admin, heslo, passwd, password
You can generate a safe password by clicking the key icon in the Password input field.
After creating an account, the system prompts you to verify the entered phone number. To continue, enter the SMS code sent to your number, or postpone phone number verification until later.
Unless there’s a problem with the information, the system will create a new account and send you an email with further instructions, which also serves as an e-mail address check.
To activate your new account, click the link in the email (…).
If the e-mail doesn’t arrive within 10 minutes, check your SPAM folder. If there’s a typo in you e-mail address, create a new customer account with the correct data.
After activating your account, log in. If you postponed SMS verification during registration, the system will send you a verification SMS to the phone number provided during registration.
If the message does not arrive, resend it, or change the phone number using the link.
After confirming your telephone number, you can use the customer administration to its full extent.
Common Issues
Common registration issues include:
Login Credential Typo
Issue: I made a typo in my registration email address or phone number.
Solution: If there is a typo in the email, please create a new account with the correct address. In the event of a typo in the phone number, postpone its verification until after authorization, where you will have an opportunity to correct the phone number.
Not Receiving Verification SMS
Issue: I’m not receiving any SMS messages.
Cause: The most common cause is blocking by the operator or (smart) phone software.
Solution: Try temporarily switching to another SMS client on your smartphone. If that doesn’t help, contact support.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Do I need to buy any services to maintain my account?
Odpověď: No, you can only have free services in your account, or even no services at all.
Question: Can I log into an existing account with Facebook, Google, MojeID or LinkedIn?
Answer: Yes, follow the instructions in this article.