WMS – Upgrade


In this article, you will learn:

Upgrade Parameters

The upgrade may be accompanied by a short-term service downtime.

Changes to the disk size and the performance distribution between web and database are currently being carried out by the technicians. Request these changes via the form.

You can increase the RAM/CPU parameter of your WMS in the customer administration panel. During this upgrade, you can also update the ratio of web and database performance within a certain range.

The specific available RAM/CPU values are:

8 GB1x fCPU (3.7 GHz)
16 GB2x fCPU (7.4 GHz)
32 GB4x fCPU (14.8 GHz)
56 GB7x fCPU (25.9 GHz)

To increase the parameters in the customer administration panel, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the customer administration panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, select Web & Email Hosting WMS.
  3. Choose the WMS to upgrade.
  4. In the left menu, click Upgrade.
  5. Adjust the sliders to match the required performance and its distribution between WEB and DB.
  6. Click the Upgrade button.

The change will take effect within 1 hour.

WEDOS Upgrading and changing the RAM/CPU ratio of the WMS service
Upgrading and changing the RAM/CPU ratio of the WMS service


Question: Is it possible to downgrade WMS parameters?
Answer: No, WMS parameters cannot be downgraded.

Question: How to only change the WEB:DB performance ratio?
Answer: Contact us via the form. Provide the name of the WMS and the request to change the performance ratio of the site and the database.

Question: How do I upgrade just the CPU without changing the RAM size?
Answer: You can only upgrade both these parameters at once on WMS.

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