WMS (Webhosting Managed Server) is a completely unique service that combines the features of a shared web hosting, which you already know well, with the ability to individually change parameters and configuration, as if you were the administrator of your own server.
In addition, WMS is designed so that it can be scaled as needed, with the possibility of renting the entire dedicated (reserved) server just for you. You will thus be able to allocate the appropriate resources – server performance – to individual web servers or database servers through the customer administration. The number of web hostings and databases is therefore not limited. You are limited only by the resources purchased.
Who is the service for?
The service is designed especially for demanding customers – but not only for them, it is also fitting for those who are looking for dedicated performance with the possibility of individual settings of some parameters but on the other hand do not want to deal with the management of the entire server. Updates, security, backup, maintenance; this is all managed by us. You simply set up webservers or database servers from customer administration. It is possible to set up one or the other separately.
Individual web hostings can be created at WMS in the customer administration for a specific service according to the instructions at WMS – web hosting administration.
Subsequently created web hostings behave the same as Webhosting NoLimit. The one difference is that you have far more setting options here. For example, you can set other PHP and web server parameters.
In addition, all created web hostings are completely separate, which means that one attacked web hosting, where the attacker, for example, exploits a bug in the out-of-date WordPress plugin, will not affect other web hostings, as is the case with NoLimit webhosting with aliases.
Each web hosts can have their own service holder information. You can change these in the customer administration for each specific web hosting. Detailed instructions can be found at the link Change of service provider.
Each WMS is automatically allocated 5GB of space for e-mails, which are not considered part of the purchased resources. They do not take up disk space for either the webserver or the database server. Mailbox management is the same as for NoLimit Webhosting emails.
Similar to NoLimit Webhosting, the number of mailboxes is unlimited. You are therefore limited only by the space, which can always be purchased in the form of an additional service, up to a size of 100 GB (even more in the future).
When creating a web hosting, you can decide whether or not you want a particular webserver to use e-mail services. Also, when creating the web hosting itself, you decide how much space for emails the particular web hosting should have – more in the WMS – Webhosting administration manual.
Database server
Individual databases can be created at WMS in the customer administration for a specific service according to the WMS – database administration instructions.
You can create a database for each web hosting separately or one for multiple sites. It’s all up to you. The size of the database is not limited. You are limited only by what you buy.
The performance of the database server is reserved for you. Thanks to this, it is faster than with the regular NoLimit and also suitable for highly demanding projects.
Also, each database that you create within WMS can have its own service provider information. You change these in the customer administration in the detail of a specific database. Detailed instructions can be found at the link Change of service provider.