WMS – New Service Order


In this article, you will learn:


WMS (Webhosting Managed Server) is a service created from the suggestions of customers who wanted Webhosting with familiar controls, but VPS performance. It is therefore suitable for both multihosting and very demanding web applications, for which not even Webhosting Extra is enough.

WMS offers:

You can find a complete description of the service on the WMS product page.

WMS Order

Order the new WMS service in the form. This one has five steps:

  1. Basic information
  2. Login/register
  3. Billing information
  4. Operator
  5. Finalize

1. Basic Information

In the first step, use the sliders to set the performance of the WMS server.

  • CPU and RAM performance are always linked, they cannot be set separately.
  • By default, 70% of the performance and SSD is used for the web and 30% for the database. To adjust the ratios, activate the Advanced configuration. The ratio of web and database resources can be adjusted later.

You can upgrade the WMS performance at any time, but downgrading is not supported by the system.

WEDOS Advanced configuration of WMS system resources
Advanced configuration of WMS system resources

You can never set your web or database resources to 100%. Each component always needs at least some minimum resources for the service to function. Reserved power and disk space are shown in dark gray in the advanced configuration sliders (you cannot move the slider pointer here).

In other sections, set:

  • Add-on services. You can change the selection later in the customer administration panel.
  • Invoicing period. Choose monthly or annual invoicing. Monthly invoicing will increase the price of the service by 10%.
  • Gifts. Choose whether you want a gift with your WMS.

2. Login/Register

In this step, log into the customer administration panel or register.

If you are already logged in, the system will skip this step.

If you have problems logging in, follow the instructions Administration – Login Troubleshooting.

3. Billing Information

Billing information may differ from the account owner or service oerator. The system will send all invoicing and communication regarding service settings to the specified email.

You can update the service billing information according to the guide Services – Billing Information.

4. Operator

In this step, fill in the information of the webhosting operator with whom WEDOS will enter into a processing agreement.

The WMS operator has no special authority over the service. In the event of a dispute, WEDOS considers the customer in whose account the service is located, to be the owner of the service, unless a court or other competent authority decides otherwise.

5. Finalize

In this step, carefully check the entered data, especially the billing email, to which the system will send the WMS creation notification after creating the service.

At the end of the order, you can choose to pay via your credit account.

After completing the order, the system will immediately send you an email with payment details. After successfully receiving the payment, it will set up the service within 1 hour.


Question: How do I set up web hosting on WMS?
Odpověď: You can find detailed instructions in the WMS – Webhosting guide.

Otázka: What performance of WMS corresponds to the Webhosting service?
Odpověď: These services cannot be effectively compared. If you are getting a WMS because of insufficient Webhosting performance, set up the lowest possible performance. If this is insufficient, upgrade it. You can also save performance by deploying WEDOS Global Protection.

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