This article addresses web issues related to WEDOS Global. You can find more information on solving website problems in the article Webhosting – Troubleshooting.
In this article, you will learn:
- Why your website uses WEDOS Global
- How to troubleshoot:
- Frequently asked questions
WEDOS Global on the Web
The WEDOS Global system is primarily used to protect the website and through that our infrastructure from attacks and other unwanted traffic. You can activate the protection and other benefits of WEDOS Global by purchasing and activating this service, but we can also deploy the purely “technical” version in justified cases.
Emergency WEDOS Global
When an unprotected website operated primarily on a shared Webhosting service becomes the target problematic traffic or an attack that threatens other parts of the infrastructure outside of that website, we must minimize the damage by significantly limiting this problematic website, sometimes even shutting it down completely. This solution is disadvantageous for both us and the customer. However, the WEDOS Global system allows us to bypass this, because, among other things, it automatically:
- filters traffic directed to the web server,
- blocks access from problematic IPs,
- caches pages and reduces the load on the web server,
- activates protection mechanisms (captcha) as needed.
These and other measures, which we are constantly developing and improving, protect the website itself and all related infrastructure, because the attack now has to go through a proxy that is properly equipped to deal with it, and the web server has free resources to do what it’s meant to be doing.
For more information on how the WEDOS Global proxy server works, see the article Global – DNS and target IPs.
To deploy this protection, we need the Webhosting domain to use WEDOS DNS servers. In an emergency, the technician will change the DNS records from the web server to the WEDOS Global proxy in our system, which usually resolves the unwanted traffic within a few minutes and can remove any web hosting restrictions.
We will inform you about the action taken by a message sent to the billing email.
What if the Webhosting domain uses third-party DNS servers?
In this case, the technician tries to contact you via email and SMS. As long as we cannot effectively protect the service, we limit its parameters or shut it down completely.
How do I know that a website is using WEDOS Global?
If you did not receive an email from the technician informing you of the change and asking to check the status of the site after deploying WEDOS Global protection, check the DNS A records. If you find two values 45.138.107.X, where X is a number from 0 to 255, the domain directs to WEDOS Global.
For AAAA records, the value is set to 2a0e:acc0::X.
This emergency deployment may cause errors. The most common ones, including their solutions, can be found in the Troubleshooting chapter.
Common issues with sites using WEDOS Global, either as a stand-alone service or the emergency version deployed by us, include:
- Error messages
- Damaged or dysfunctional website contents
- Blocked access to third-party content and APIs
- Spammed or undelivered emails sent from web
Error Messages
Issue: An error message is displayed on the website.
Řešení: The correct solution depends on the displayed error message:
- Not found on accelerator. You will most often encounter this error if you do not have HTTPS set up on your Webhosting. Check the domain settings in the certificate according to the Webhosting – Manual HTTPS Setup guide. If HTTPS is disabled, activate it. If there are errors with domains, contact support and ask to add (sub)domains with disabled validation.
- Gateway Timeout. Make sure your server is not blocking connections to addresses from this list (JSON version).
Website Contents
Issue: The website does not display correctly or at all after deploying WEDOS Global protection. Sometimes only the main page or some subpages work correctly.
Cause: The problem is usually caused by a static content caching error, but it can also be related to the blocking of templates, plugins, and external resources described below.
Solution: If you have access to the domain’s WEDOS Global administration, clear the cache or reset it (disable and re-enable) in the CDN Cache settings.

If you do not have access to the WEDOS Global administration, you can add the domain and gain access, or ask us to purge the cache via the form. Requests are usually resolved by the technical department within 2 hours, depending on the workload and complexity of the solution (especially if the problem is elsewhere).
Blocking External Content
Issue: After deploying WEDOS global, a template, plugin, or third-party service/API (crawlers, payment gateways, etc.) doesn’t work properly.
Cause: WEDOS Global may preemptively block large ranges of IP addresses, for example based on bad reputation. However, between these ranges there may be unproblematic units of addresses used by plugins, templates and generally APIs that your website needs to communicate with, but cannot.
Another common cause of the problem is the restriction of access to a third-party application or interface that you originally set up for the Webhosting server IP. However, after deploying WEDOS Global, you access from one of the system’s many regional IP addresses.
Solution: Ask the blocked third party’s support to provide a complete list of IP addresses that we should whitelist on our end to restore communication. They must be units of specific addresses – large quantities, or entire ranges, are usually problematic.
Once you have this list, send the following request using the form:
Please whitelist the IP addresses (replace the parenthesis with a list of addresses) in the WEDOS Global system in order to restore the connection of the website (replace the parenthesis with the name of your website) with the service (replace the parenthesis with the name of the template, plugin, API or other).
Requests are usually processed by the technical department within 2 hours of receipt, depending on the workload and complexity of the request (IP address reputation verification).
If, on the other hand, the source of the problem is the blocking of a connection on a third-party server (typically, for example, a payment gateway), enable communication for IP addresses from the list at (automatically updated).
Email Delivery
Issue: Emails sent from the website (e.g. forms) end up in spam or are not delivered at all.
Cause: The most common cause is a problem with verifying the SPF record due to a different A record of the domain and the actual IP address of the web server.
Solution: Add the actual Webhosting IP address from the Service Addresses table in Webhosting Detail to the SPF record of the domain using the code ip4:X.X.X.X. Detailed instructions can be found in the article Emails – SPF record.
Question: What if I have a different problem or your solution doesn’t work?
Answer: Activate temporary FTP access for support and describe in detail your problem and tried solutions in the form.
Question: Why should I set up WEDOS Global when I’m already protected by another service?
Answer: Even from domains using protective services, we receive a large amount of unwanted traffic. In extreme cases, WEDOS Global filters can also be set manually by our technicians, with others we have no choice but to limit/disable Webhosting.