WEDOS WebSite – Multilingual website


WEDOS WebSite editor can host multilingual websites. All you need is a plan with unlimited pages (Profi or Premium). It’s up to you, how many languages you’ll create and how to connect them. This manual will show you some of the possible ways.

Multilingual website concept

Think about the best way how to create a language switcher. You can name pages to fit their content and language or create a button for language switching. Here we offer a few tips:

/index.htmlindex.html as a language switcher
/index.html/index_cs.htmlhomepage in English, copy in a different language
/index_en.html/index_cs.htmlhomepage with language autodetect (Premium)
/honey-bee.html/vceli-med.htmlown page name for each language
/yoga-en.html/yoga-cs.htmluniversal page name with a language identifier
There are many possible ways how to name your pages.

As a language switcher, you can use your index.html page with a flag picture with a link. Or an item in the main menu. The switcher is usually different from other items.

1. Create a new menu item that will link the user to another language version.

English version. Click to move to the Czech version.

2. Using a language switcher will get the user to another language version.

Czech version. Clock to move to the English version.

3. Use the same link on every page to connect each version.

Choose the correct page in the link settings.

4. index.html page may also serve as a language switcher.

Index.html with a language switcher example.

Automatic language detection (browser based)

In preparation for WebSite Premium. Reach us if you want to test it now.

Frequently asked questions

I wish to delete the index.html page and create localized pages like index_en.html, index_es.html, etc.

Index.html page can’t be deleted, it will always be a basic homepage. You can use it as a language switcher or a homepage of the default language version. For WebSite Premium, we are preparing language autodetection (based on the browser language). Contact us if you wish to test it now.

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