This article deals with the process of obtaining FTP access credentials. You can find detailed instructions on how to manage files via FTP in the article Webhosting – File Management.
In this article, you will learn:
- Which FTP login information you need
- How to find the login information in:
- Common issues
- Frequently asked questions
FTP Login Credentials
FTP clients, such as WebFTP, require these 3 credentials for login:
- The FTP server address assigned to your service. It consists of a six-digit identification number, the server name and the domain, for example
- Your username consisting of the letter w, a six-digit number identical to the number in the address, and in the case of a secondary account, also an additional name. Username examples: w123456 (main account), w123456_webmaster (secondary account).
- Your Password, which can be either generated by the system, or set during account creation (for more information, see Webhosting – FTP Accounts).
For more information about FTP accounts, see Webhosting – FTP Accounts.
Accessing FTP Login Information
When creating the Webhosting service, the system, among other things, creates a main FTP account and sends you its login crednetials in an email notification. The system also sends login credentials by email whenever you create a new FTP account.
Once set up, you cannot change FTP account credentials, except for the password. You can change your password in the customer administration panel.
Service or Account Creation Email Notification
You can find the default login information for the main FTP account in the Webhosting creation email notification. The subject is Webhosting created – domain.tld [1234567890], where domain.tld is the (sub)domain of your Webhosting, followed by a unique service number. The email is sent by the system from
When setting up a new FTP account, you will also receive an email notification from, containing the server, login and password information for that specific account.
If you cannot find the email with the login information, update it through the customer administration panel.
Customer Administration Panel
If you don’t know your FTP account password, update it according to this guide.
You can find out the server address and username in the customer administration panel. Follow these steps:
- Log into the customer administration panel.
- In the navigation bar, go to Web & Email Hosting Webhosting or WMS.
- From the list of services, select the Webhosting whose FTP credentials you want to find out.
- In the Service details in the FTP table, click the name of the account with which you want to log into FTP.
- Copy the FTP server and login information. Change the password if necessary.

Common Issues
You can find a list of common FTP problems and their solutions in the article FTP – Troubleshooting.
Question: Can you send me the FTP account password?
Answer: No, we do not have direct access to your FTP password. Change it according to this guide.
Question: Can I enter the FTP server address as ftp.domain.tld?
Answer: Yes, once you set it up using a CNAME DNS record using this guide.
Question: How do I change the username?
Answer: Create a new FTP account. The username will always contain a numerical part (e.g. w123456).
Question: Can I log in with the same credentials I use for the WEDOS customer administration panel?
Answer: No, you can only login with the specified username.