This article covers the basics of using the WebFTP client. For instructions on managing FTP accounts in the customer administration panel, see Webhosting – FTP Accounts. General instructions for managing files can be found in the article Webhosting – File Management.
In this article, you will learn:
- Basic information about the WebFTP client
- How to log into FTP
- How to browse directories
- How to work with files and folders
- Common issues
- Frequently asked questions
The WebFTP Client
You can find the English version of WebFTP using the link You can use it to access the files on:
- Webhosting
- WEDOS Disk
The WebFTP client currently cannot access WMS Webhostings. Use another FTP client, such as FileZilla.
You can only access WEDOS services that support WebFTP.
The advantage of WebFTP is access through a browser without the need to install anything. Disadvantages include limitation of transfer speed and supported file actions.
As an alternative to WebFTP, we recommend the FileZilla desktop FTP client.
FTP Login
After navigating to the WebFTP interface, log in. You will need the following credentials:
- FTP server address
- Username
- Password
If you do not know these credentials, obtain them according to the instructions Webhosting – FTP Access.
Enter them in the form on the login screen and click the Login button.

Chcete-li se odhlásit, klikněte na červené tlačítko (ikona) v pravé horní části klienta.
Browsing Directories
After a successful login, the client lists the contents of the directory you entered.
Only the main FTP account has access to the root directory of the service, where the basic directory structure and backup files restored on demand are located. You can find more information in the article Webhosting – FTP Accounts.
You can switch between individual folders by clicking the folder name.
The Up .. folder moves you to the directory containing the one you’re browsing at the moment.
To move up faster, use the Directory tree breadcrumb navigation. The root link goes to the root directory for your FTP account.

File Management
Using WebFTP, you can perform the following operations with files and directories:
Creating Files and Directories
To create a new file or directory (dir), click the corresponding button in the upper left part of the file overview.

- When creating a new directory, the system will ask you to enter and confirm a name. It will then create the directory inside the current one.
- When creating a new file, the system opens a code editor. Enter the file name (including the filename extension) and type or paste code in the editor. When you are done, save using the icon in the top left.
Navigate to the upload interface by clicking the Upload button in the upper left part of the file overview.

In the upload interface, you can:
- Set the upload target directory using the Upload to directory field.
- Upload single files in the Files section.
- Upload and unpack packaged files (zip, tar, tgz, gz) in the Archives section.
After you finish selecting the files to upload, click the green confirm button in this interface.

If a file with the same name already exists in the directory, WebFTP will overwrite it without further notice!
If you want to upload:
- An archive without unpacking it, upload it as a file in the Files section.
- A folder containing files, package it in the zip, tar, tgz format gz and upload in the Archives section.
Viewing and Editing
You can view or edit individual files directly in WebFTP. The view works for most code and image files. You can only edit text files.

- Viewing the file will print the text of the code including line numbering, or display the image in its original size.
- Editing the file will attempt to open the file in a text editor.
Click on the file name to download it to the connected device.
Bulk Item Management
In the upper right part of the file overview, you will find tools for bulk file (and folder) management:
- Copy. Copies the selected files to another directory or to another FTP server.
- Move. Moves the selected files to another directory or to another FTP server.
- Delete. Deletes the selected files.
- Rename. Changes the names of selected files.
- Chmod. It sets the permissins to read, write and execute files. If you do not know how these permissions work, leave the settings as they are.
- Download. Downloads selected files. If you are downloading a folder or more than 1 file, WebFTP will package the contents into a zip file before downloading.
- Zip. Packages the items into a zip archive that is stored on the server or sent by email.
- Unzip. Extracts the zip archive to the selected directory.
- Size. Calculates and displays the total size of the selected files.
- Search. Searches folders and subfolders for files containing the specified expression.
Use the checkboxes on the left side of the table to check the files you want to manage. Click the All link in the column header to select all items.

Common Issues
You can find a list of common FTP problems and their solutions in the article FTP – Troubleshooting.
Question: Kde najdu údaje pro přihlášení?
Answer: You can get login credentials from the service creation email natification, or the customer administration panel according to the instructions Webhosting – FTP Access.
Question: Uploading or downloading from WebFTP is slow, sometimes it crashes completely. What should I do?
Answer: Use a desktop FTP client. We recommend FileZilla.
Question: How do I set file permissions?
Answer: Incorrectly set file permissions are likely to cause errors. Instead of setting them manually, we recommend repairing file permissions manually.