Error 500 – Internal Server Error

  Web Hosting, Settings

If you receive this error, do the following:

  1. Usually, this is a problem in the file. Htaccess on your site in the directory www – either contains invalid commands or there is an error – so as first check the file .htaccess
  2. The error may cause your CMS (something is missing or has an error in its configuration)
  3. You encounter on PHP limits at the webhosting – max_execution_time, memory_limit, post_max_size, upload_max_filesize
  4. You have an active PHP 5.4 and in PHP configuration you have turned on register_globals – turn it off. In PHP 5.4 it no longer exists.
  5. Error can be caused by duplicit subdomain folder. Our example subdomain test should be stored in /www/subdom/test or /www/domains/test.yourdomain.tld. But not both of them, that would cause error 500! Only one can exist.
  6. If you are unable to pinpoint the cause, please contact our customer support

Forbidden commands in the file .htaccess

In most cases, the 500 error caused by a problem in the file .htaccess. Unfortunately, the Web server on the error page does not provide specific information about the error. Therefore, carefully check the contents of the file .htaccess, if you have a misprint somewhere.

In the .htaccess files on the webhosting is not allowed to use:

  • php_flag
  • php_value
  • ServerSignature
  • SetHandler
  • XBitHack
  • AddHandler

Next is the command Options You can use only parameter Indexes, others are not allowed (their potential use will fail with error 500). Command Options is used in htaccess by many CMS and E-shops.

Look into the file .htaccess in www directory of your site and check if it contains a line with some restricted commands such as:

Options +FollowSymLinks

Comment this line by inserting this symbol as first #:

#Options +FollowSymLinks

Similarly, you can follow with other restricted commands.

If this does not work and you do not know what to do, please contact us.


If you see a 500 error when using PrestaShop, see also this article PrestaShop – Error 500.

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