DNS – Type ALIAS Record

  Web Hosting

This article discusses type ALIAS DNS records in detail. For a general guide to DNS records and their settings in the customer administration panel, see the article DNS – Domain Records.

In this article, you will learn:

Type ALIAS Record

An ALIAS record is used to direct the main domain to an existing domain or subdomain. Some hosting providers prefer this record type over type A and AAAA records.

To direct your own subdomain to a provider’s domain or subdomain, use a CNAME record.

An ALIAS record only works on primary DNS servers. When creating a record, the system automatically looks up currently set A/AAAA records for the ALIAS value (if they exist) and inserts them into DNS. The records update periodically with a frequency which depends on the TTL of both the ALIAS and the relevant records on the source domain (or other domains in the chain), as well as other circumstances.

We do not guarantee the synchronization time of the ALIAS record against the target domain’s A/AAAA.

Type ALIAS Record Entry

For general instructions on setting up DNS records in the customer administration panel, see the article DNS – Domain Records.

If the domain uses another provider’s DNS servers, automatic or manual changes to WEDOS records will not affect its behavior.

The CNAME record must be a second-level domain. The Name field must therefore be empty.

In the Data field, enter the name of the domain or subdomain you want your domain to use. Leave the protocol (http, https) out of the name.

Name           TTL    Type   Data
(leave blank) 300 ALIAS (domain or subdomain name)

Type ALIAS Record Example

The data shown below are only examples! Find out the actual data according to the instructions in the chapter Service Addresses.

Example: ALIAS record directing to default.wedos.net

ALIAS domain for the address default.wedos.net

Common Issues

Common issues with ALIAS records include:

Cannot Create Record

Issue: Creating the record causes an error.

Cause: The new ALIAS record conflicts with another existing entry, or you are trying to add it for a subdomain.

Solution: Make sure that:

  1. The record you are entering has no name.
  2. There is no unnamed A, AAAA, or ALIAS record in the DNS. If you find such a record, delete it.


Question: Can I enter an ALIAS record for a subdomain?
Answer: Currently, you cannot. Use a CNAME record instead.

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