To prolong the domain registration you can use command domain-renew. The domain must not have already ordered renewal. Our system issues renewal orders automatically, if this setting is not suitable, you can change it:
- name – domain name – required
- period – number of years – required
Return values
- 1000 – Domain has been successfully prolonged in the node data is returned new expiration date
- 2203 – Invalid renewal period
- 2269 – already exists unpaid (new) period
Return data
If successful, this command returns the new expiration date
- expiration – new expiration date
Example of use
XML request:
<request> <user>tester</user> <auth>d48a7fbc4fa5a99ffd45b490105ca38ecf35b319</auth> <command>domain-renew</command> <clTRID>Rbd39NedNVGB</clTRID> <data> <name></name> <period>3</period> </data> </request>
XML response:
<response> <code>1000</code> <result>OK</result> <timestamp>1286889178</timestamp> <clTRID>Rbd39NedNVGB</clTRID> <svTRID>1286889178.7737.4672</svTRID> <command>domain-renew</command> <data> <expiration>2014-10-12</expiration> </data> </response>