Use this command to make a change in the domain DNS record. The record is identified by its ID, which you will find in a listing of records (by command dns-rows-list).
For the record, it is not possible to change its name and type. In such a situation it is necessary to delete the original record and then create a new.
- domain = domain name – required
- row_id = record ID – required
- ttl = TTL value – required
- rdata = record data – required
Return Values
- 1000 = ok
- 2201 = unsupported TLD
- 2202 = invalid or unsupported domain name
- 2309 = invalid record type
- 2310 = you can not add another record to the domain
- 2311 = invalid name
- 2312 = invalid name for this type of record
- 2313 = invalid CNAME for this title
- 2314 = invalid data record
- 2315 = invalid TLD
- 2316 = this record already exists
- 2317 = invalid TTL
- 2318 = action can not be performed on the secondary domain type
- 3222 = open domain failed
- 3223 = access denied
- 3305 = domain is locked for editing
- 3306 = domain is deleted
- 3309 = record of that ID does not exist
- 3310 = modification of record failed
Return data
This command does not return any data
Example of use
XML query:
<request> <user>tester</user> <auth>202b62bb4646281f97d225db1249840c8452dd8f</auth> <command>dns-row-update</command> <data> <domain></domain> <row_id>904</row_id> <ttl>1602</ttl> <rdata></rdata> </data> </request>
XML response:
<response> <code>1000</code> <result>OK</result> <timestamp>1291370821</timestamp> <svTRID>1291370821.1702.7371.1</svTRID> <command>dns-row-update</command> </response