Returns detailed information about a particular DNS record for the domain.
To list of all records for domain, use the command dns-rows-list.
- name = domain name – required
- row_id = record ID – required
Návratové hodnoty
- 1000 = ok
- 2201 = unsupported TLD
- 2202 = invalid or unsupported domain name
- 2318 = This action can not be performed on the secondary domain type
- 3222 = opening of the domain failed
- 3223 = access denied
- 3305 = domain is locked for editing
- 3306 = domain is deleted
- 3309 = required DNS record for the domain does not exist
Return data
- row = record
- ID = record ID
- name = record name
- ttl = record TTL
- rdtype = type of record
- rdata = data of record
- changed_date = date of change
- author_comment = comment
Example of use
XML query:
<request> <user>tester</user> <auth>fa6745cd496a02ba8a4ea7e850422ffc8f3bb76b</auth> <command>dns-row-detail</command> <data> <domain></domain> <row_id>904</row_id> </data> </request>
XML response:
<response> <code>1000</code> <result>OK</result> <timestamp>1291202872</timestamp> <svTRID>1291202872.7976.439.1</svTRID> <command>dns-row-detail</command> <data> <row> <ID>904</ID> <name></name> <ttl>1800</ttl> <rdtype>MX</rdtype> <rdata>1</rdata> <changed_date>2010-11-24 11:33:37</changed_date> <author_comment></author_comment> </row> </data> </response>