This command performs an update of the DNS records in the earliest possible time (within minutes) from the primary server via AXFR. It is used for secondary type domains where we download the contents of zones to our system from another server.
Without the use of this command, AXFR is based on the information REFRESH and RETRY in SOA record.
- name = domain name – required
Návratové hodnoty
- 1000 = ok
- 2201 = unsupported TLD
- 2202 = invalid, or unsupported domain name
- 2319 = can be done for secondary domain type only
- 3222 = opening domain failed
- 3223 = access denied
- 3305 = domain is locked for editing
- 3306 = domain is deleted
Return data
- next_run – time when the record is updated
Example of use
XML query:
<request> <user>tester</user> <auth>ae58a4590c1f5b1ace8edbb0c4fd1cdb1e724dec</auth> <command>dns-domain-axfr-run</command> <data> <name></name> </data> </request>
XML response:
<response> <code>1000</code> <result>OK</result> <timestamp>1291191730</timestamp> <svTRID>1291191730.3995.4529.1</svTRID> <command>dns-domain-axfr-run</command> <data> <next_run>2010-12-01 09:22:10</next_run> </data> </response>