In this article you will find details on selected VPS SSD add-on services. You can find a complete overview on the VPS SSD Add-on Services product page.
You can find instructions for activating and deactivating add-on services in the article Services – Add-on services.
In this article, you will learn about the following add-ons:
- Doubled space for SSD
- Internal and external backups
- Internal snapshots
- How to activate and manage internal snapshots
Doubled Space for SSD
By activating the Doubled Space for SSD add-on service, you will create a separate virtual disk in the system of the same size as the existing disk of your VPS. The system will connect this disk as another device.
Activating the Doubled Space for SSD add-on service has no effect on the existing disk.
To upgrade not only the disk space, but also CPU and RAM, follow the guide VPS SSD – Upgrade.
Activate Doubled Space for SSD
The Doubled Space for SSD add-on is part of the VPS SSD Profi plan.
To set up a double disk, first activate the additional service according to the instructions Services – Add-ons. Then switch the VPS off and on in the customer administration. The system mounts the new disk during this reboot.
After booting the operating system, create partitions on the disk device and set the file system. Next, proceed according to the specifics of your operating system.
Doubled Space for SSD: FAQ
Question: Will the size of the additional disk increase when the VPS parameters are increased?
Answer: After the upgrade (including restart), check whether the partition and the file system have also been automatically increased. If the file system is not increased, follow the instructions VPS SSD – Upgrade.
Question: Is there any way to upgrade only the existing disk and no other VPS SSD parameters?
Answer: Unfortunately, you can only upgrade VPS SSD modularly, and to increase the disk capacity, you virtually have to mount a second one. Mutually independent parameters are supported only by the VPS ON service.
Internal and External Backups
These add-ons back up the:
- VPS itself
- Secondary disk (Doubled space for SSD)
- Snapshots (Internal snapshots)
The frequency and location of the backup depends on the selected backup type.
- Local daily backups: The system stores the backup on other disks within the same server. It overwrites the existing backup with a new backup every day.
- Weekly external backups: The system stores the backup on another server in another rack. The existing backup is overwritten with a new backup every week.
Activate Backups
Both types of backups are part of the VPS SSD Profi plan.
Activate the selected backup method(s) by choosing add-on services according to the instructions Services – Add-ons.
Restore Server from Backup
Backups are primarily used to restore data in the event of a server failure. Renewal at your own request is charged according to the current backup restoration conditions.
To restore a server backup, contact us via the form. Enter the name of the server, the date and time of the backup you want us to restore and agree to the price. We will connect the provided backup as another disk to the virtual server, from where you can restore the data you need.
Backups: FAQ
Question: How do I find the date and time of the currently available daily/weekly backup?
Answer: Send a request via the form, a technician will tell you the latest backup timestamps.
Internal Snapshots
A snapshot is (in the context of virtualization) the state of a virtual server at a certain point in time. It includes the status of disk devices as well as RAM. After restoring the VPS from a snapshot, the server will be exactly in the state it was in when the snapshot was created.
As part of the add-on service, you can activate 1 – 10 internal snapshots. You can then manage them at your own discretion. The system stores internal snapshots on other disks within the same server.
Activate Internal Snapshots
The VPS SSD Profi plan has the maximum of 10 internal snapshot slots.
Activate any number of insternal snapshots by choosing add-on services according to the instructions Services – Add-ons.
When activating the add-on, select the number of snapshots you want to activate. You can change this number later.

Internal Snapshot Management
After successfully activating the add-on, you will find the Snapshot Management item in the left menu of the specific VPS administration.
In this interface, you can:
- Create new snapshots.
- Delete existing snapshots.
- Restore server state from a snapshot.
When creating a snapshot or restoring from a snapshot, the system may become temporarily unavailable. The duration of unavailability depends on the VPS data volume.
After restoring a VPS from a snapshot, there is no way to restore the original state before the action was taken.

To change the number of snapshot slots, follow the Services – Add-ons guide.
Once you’re in the internal snapshot add-on interface, follow these steps:
- In the Add-on Service Details, click the Change link next to the Amount item.
- Choose the new amount and confirm using the Change button.
Internal Snapshots: FAQ
Question: I don’t see the box to add new snapshots in the snapshot management interface, what’s going on?
Answer: You have reached the maximum number of snapshots. Increase the number of add-on activations or delete existing snapshots.