Emails – Mailbox Capacity Check


This article deals with checking the size of hosting service emails and individual mailboxes. If you need to increase the capacity, follow the instructions Email – Mailbox Storage Upgrade.

In this article, you will learn:

Remaining Mailbox Space

When the mailbox storage is used up to 90% or 98%, the system notifies you via email (unless you set it otherwise according to Emails – Customer Admin Panel Settings).

A completely full mailbox blocks both receiving and sending mail. You can solve this issue by:

Check in Customer Administration Panel

Follow these steps to check email storage use in the customer administration panel:

  1. Log into the customer administration panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, select Web & Email Hosting Webhosting, Mailhosting, WebSite, or WMS.
  3. From the list, select the service where you want to check mailboxes.
  4. In the left menu, click Mailboxes.
  5. In the table, check the size of individual mailboxes as well as the total size at the specified date and time.
WEDOS Mailbox sizes in the customer administration panel
Mailbox sizes in the customer administration panel

The system updates mailbox sizes in the customer administration irregularly. The dates and times for which the sizes are valid can be found in the table next to the size records.

Another way to find out the current size of e-mails in the customer administration is to perform diagnostics.

Check in WebMail

Follow these steps to check email storage use in WebMail:

  1. Log into the WebMail client.
  2. You can see the remaining storage (in %) at the bottom of the left menu.
WEDOS Email storage in WebMail
Email storage in WebMail

Common Issues

Common issues with checking mailbox capacity include:

Inaccurate Mailbox Size

Issue: After deleting emails from boxes, the system still displays the old value.

Cause: The system does not continuously update the displayed values. The time of the last update is usually displayed next to the data.

Solution: If you need to update your mailbox size as soon as possible, ask support to update your email quota manually. Include the name of the service.


Question: How do I find out which data fills the mailbox the most?
Answer: The easiest way to find out if individual mailboxes are full is in the administration. You can find out how the subfolders of the mailbox are filled in WebMail in Settings >> Folders >> (Selected folder) >> Size. The size of individual e-mails is shown in the overview.

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