Generic Domains – Basic Information

  Domains, Generic Domains

Generic domains (gTLD, transnational) have three- and multi-letter suffixes. Unlike two-letter (country-code, ccTLD) suffixes, they do not apply to any country.

We offer COM, NET, ORG, BIZ, INFO and NAME generic domains.

There are no limits on the ownership of the generic domains we offer, anyone can register anything that is free to register. All registrations and changes take place online, no administration is required.

For gTLD domains, it is necessary to pay attention to the correctness and timeliness of contact details. If the data is incorrect or fictitious, the owner runs the risk of domain cancellation.

Domains can be registered for a period of 1-10 years and extended arbitrarily up to 10 years.

A change of gTLD registrar is paid, but after the transfer the domain will be renewed for 1 year.

All changes to the domain (except for a transfer with an extension) are free and can be made online after logging in to the customer adminsitration.

Generic domains can be renewed for another 30 days after expiration for the same price (for .info domains this is only 15 days). Later, an extension is no longer possible with us and the domain is canceled.

Placing a Domain Order

You can place a domain order on our website.

Verifying Contact Details

Based to the provisions contained in the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) issued by ICANN, the registrar is obliged to verify the contact information of domain name holders.

Verification takes place by sending an email, which contains a link to confirm the correctness of the contact information, to the email address of the domain name holder.

Verification must be carried out on entities whose contact details have not yet been verified within 15 days following the following events:

  • domain registration
  • domain transfer
  • change of domain owner
  • change of contact details of the domain owner
  • in the event that the registrar reasonably suspects that the contact details provided are incorrect

The sender of the verification email is the company Ascio, through which we register generic domains. The email is sent from If you didn’t receive the verification email or can’t find it, follow these steps:

  1. make sure you have the correct email address set for your domain
  2. check the spam folder in the appropriate mailbox
  3. make sure that the email address is not in the blacklist of the relevant email box
  4. ask us to resend the verification email via customer support

The Verification Process

After one of the above events, the domain registrar sends requests to confirm the contact details to the email address of the domain holder at the following intervals:

  1. immediately after one of the above events, the registrar sends the first verification email
  2. if no confirmation has taken place, a second verification email is sent on day 7
  3. if no confirmation has taken place, the third and final verification email is sent on day 15

The behavior of a domain before verifying contact information varies depending on which event preceded contact verification:

  • new domain registration – the domain is not functional until the contact details are verified
  • the transfer of a domain, the change of its owner, the change of the contact details of the owner – the domain is functional 15 days after the implementation of one of the listed changes. If the verification of your contact information is not completed within 15 days, the domain will become inoperative until the verification is completed by the domain holder

Successful Verification

After the successful verification of the owner, the required DNS servers are set up, this operation should not take longer than 48 hours. Then the domain will be fully functional. There is no way we can speed up the process, we can only verify that it is still ongoing.

NOTICE: If the correctness of the contact information is confirmed using the link contained in the verification email within 45 days of performing one of the above actions, the domain will automatically function. Otherwise, the confirmation link will still remain functional, but after confirmation the domain will not start automatically and it is necessary to manually set up DNS servers for the domain.

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