Bulk Domain Transfers

  Bulk Actions, Domains

In the customer administration, there is a tool which allows the transferring of multiple domains to us at once.

Some transfers are paid (this will renew the domain for one year). In this case, you need to have enough credit in your credit accout. Bulk transfers cannot be achieved without a credit account.

CZ Domains

Generic Domains

  • First, ask your current registrar for the authorisation passwords
  • After starting the transfer, a request to confirm the change is sent to the owner’s e-mail
  • The transfer process usually takes 7 days from the confirmation
  • The transfer costs the same as the domains’ annual fee, the domains are renewed for 1 year
  • More about the transfers of generic domains

EU Domains

  • First, ask your current registrar for the authorisation passwords
  • The process usually takes 1 working day
  • The transfer costs the same as the domains’ annual fee, the domains are renewed for 1 year
  • More about the transfers of EU domains

Performing Bulk Transfers

  1. Make sure that you have sufficient credit in your credit account (If you want to transfer domains for which there are transfer costs equal to the annual domain renewal fee).
  2. In the customer administration, choose the Domains tab.
  3. In the left menu, click on the Bulk Transfers link.
  4. In the first step, enter the domain names, one domain per line. You can also directly enter the authorisation passwords (on the same line as the domain, separated by a space).
  5. In the second step, you can check the list of domains and add the authorisation passwords. You will find out the final price and will also need to confirm that you agree with the applicable rules of domains.
  6. In the third step, check everything again.

After confirmation, the transfers of individual domains will start, you will see the progress and results for individual domains on the page.

An alternative to these bulk actions through the customer administration is the API interface.

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