Administration – PUSH Notifications

  Customer Administration

Due to changes to the token generation API, PUSH notifications are disabled until further notice.

In this article, you will lean:

Web PUSH Notifications

Web PUSH notifications display selected information when the browser is open (desktop) or on the phone (Android only).

  • To receive notifications on desktop browsers, the web browser must be open. However, the WEDOS administration panel does not have to be open in it. If the browser is not open when the notification is sent, the notification waits for delivery in a queue and will be delivered once the browser loads (if it has not expired in the meantime).
  • For mobile browsers (Android), the notification is displayed even if the web browser is not open.

The notification’s default and maximum validity period is 4 weeks. For some notifications, we shorten this time, especially in cases where the notification is no longer relevant after a certain period of time.

Supported Browsers

Web PUSH notifications work reliably in the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Opera (except Opera Mobile)

Notifications do not work on Windows XP and older, all versions of Internet Explorer, the Edge browser older than 17, Apple iOS (iPhone, iPad), Safari and Blackberry Browser.

Enable/Disable PUSH Notifications

You enable or disable PUSH notifications globally for the entire administration panel. You then select specific notifications for services that support them.

To enable or disable PUSH notifications globally, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the customer administration panel.
  2. In the navigation bar, select My Account Customer.
  3. In the left menu, select PUSH Notifications.
  4. Enable or disable the Customer Account Notification Settings switch.
WEDOS Global enablement of PUSH notifications in the administration panel
Global enablement of PUSH notifications in the administration panel

Manage Browser Tokens

We use Google’s FCM service to send PUSH notifications to registered browsers. In our system, we then manage the registered browsers’ tokens. Within your customer account, you can register an unlimited number of browsers through which you want to receive notifications.

Browser Token Registration

When setting up PUSH notifications on your phone, make sure that the web browser has permission to display notifications within the system.

Follow these steps to register a browser token:

  1. In the selected browser, open the PUSH notification management interface according to the chapter Enable/Disable PUSH Notifications. PUSH notifications must be enabled.
  2. In the Current Browser Notification Settings section, click the Enable Notifications for this Browser button.
  3. Name the notification and confirm.
  4. Allow notifications from in the browser.
WEDOS Enabling PUSH notifications in the browser
Enabling PUSH notifications in the browser

Disable Browser Token

The easiest way to deactivate an active token is similar to registering it, only instead of enabling it, click the red Disable Notifications for this Browser button.

Registered Token Management

You can find a complete list of registered tokens in the table at the end of the PUSH notification management interface. You can perform the following actions for each token:

  • View detailed information about the token (key icon). For more information, see the Browser Token Detail chapter.
  • Send a test notification (letter icon).
  • Activate or deactivate the token (green or red button). Deactivating the token does not delete it, the system will pause sending any notifications to it. You can reactivate the token later.
  • Delete the token (bin icon). Deleting a token will permanently remove it from our records and the system will not send any notifications to it.
WEDOS Registered browser token table
Registered browser token table

The item highlighted in green corresponds to the current browser’s token.

Browser Token Detail

In the browser token detail, you can:

  • Check token validity. You can invalidate the token, for example, by disabling notifications from our website or by otherwise changing token settings.
  • Set notification topics. In the lower part of the token detail, you can set the notification topics that the system sends to the respective browser.


Question: What happens to browser tokens when customer account PUSH notifications are turned off?
Answer: If you already have browser tokens registered in your customer account and you turn off notifications, the system will deactivate all registered tokens. If you subsequently turn on notifications, the system will reactivate all registered tokens. Tokens that are not valid upon activation will be deleted and you will have to register the browser again to receive notifications.

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