In this article, you will learn what an ALIAS record is for, how to enter an ALIAS record correctly, and an example o..
Search : alias
In this article, you’ll learn how alias mailboxes work, how to send email using identities, and how to troubleshoot comm..
In this article, you’ll learn what aliases are used for, how to add, remove, and set up an alias for your web hosting, and how to troubleshoot comm..
During normal conditions on the alias URL address displays the same content as the main webhosting domain. By simply procedure alias can be used to show a differen..
In this article, you will learn how to create and delete webhosting within the WM..
In this article, you will learn: Mailserver Services Mailhosting, i.e. the space for email boxes and the server ensuring their operation, is part of the Webhosting, WMS and WebSite services (except for the Free plan). We now also offer it as a separate Mailhosting service. It supports the following fuctionality: You can find a comparison ..
In this article, you will learn How WEDOS Global Whitelabel works, how to integrate WEDOS Global with your system and how bill..
In this article, you will read what the web hosting service includes, what are the terms of the order, how to place the order and how to solve comm..
In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up third-party DNS provider DNS records for WEDOS Global and how to troubleshoot comm..
In this article, you will learn how to find the cause of a website issue and how to solve issues with the domain and dns, Webhosting settings, directory structure and files, CMS or application, o..